




<Alan E Hill>


More about us:

<www.h-i-l-l.net> has over fifteen years of experience on the internet.
In this time <www.h-i-l-l.net> has designed, managed and maintained websites for international organisations, businesses small and large, schools and other educational establishments.
<www.h-i-l-l.net> websites are characterized by simple yet stylish renderings of scripts and graphics with a minimum use of complex and insecure scripting languages.
I have access to teams of specialists, including journalists and photographers as well as other internet professionals and freelances on 24/7 news, sports and information websites.
And I also can provide 100% of content with expert copy-writers, editors, graphic artists, photographers and 24/7 update and monitoring facilities, all focussing on your website.
In addition, <www.h-i-l-l.net>'s <Alan E Hill> has over 20 years' experience in education and can provide valuable insight into what a school or college website can deliver, intra- and extra-mural.
See some of our sites <here>.
Contact me directly by <email> or use my <webform>.

<IMG SRC="graphbin/alan_500w.jpg" TITLE="Alan Hill standing just across the Hudson from Manhattan" ALT="Alan Hill standing just across the Hudson from Manhattan" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=136 BORDER=0>
Alan Hill standing just across the Hudson from Manhattan
Alan E Hill, founder of <www.h-i-l-l.net>


 © 1994-2011 : <www.h-i-l-l.net>